Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Minimum Wage Should Be Increased - 976 Words

If your social media circles are anything like mine, you don’t have to scroll very far down your facebook dashboard before you see a ubiquitously shared, ‘liked’ and commented on post disapproving of raising the federal minimum wage. The post may have a picture of a soldier, a disheveled EMT in the back of an ambulance, or a waving American flag with overlying text stating something to the effect of ‘â€Å"Burger flippers† think they should be paid as much as these minimum wages workers? No way!’ If my experience on social media is any indicator, the most popular posts always contain â€Å"burger flipper† or â€Å"baconator.† Posts like the ones described above make moral judgements about the minimum wage with little evidence for those judgements and the flurry of comments that follow often fail to elucidate the key arguments for either the proponents or opposition of raising the minimum wage. In this paper, I will argue that the federal minimum wage should be increased by assessing both value judgements and pragmatic economic arguments to dispel some of the most well-worn of arguments by those who oppose. I will attempt to prove that the minimum wage is not feasible for meeting workers’ needs while discussing the historical context of the minimum wage, discuss human motivation as related to the minimum wage, and disprove common economic arguments borne of catastrophizing. When proponents of raising the minimum wage such as myself discuss the need for an increase, they cite the right ofShow MoreRelatedMinimum Wage Should Be Increased1057 Words   |  5 PagesRebecca Nevins Meredith Sides English 101 16 November 2015 Minimum Wage Should Be Increased Congress enacted the federal minimum wage in 1938, during the Great Depression. Congress had two goals; keeping workers away from poverty and boosting consumer spending for economic recovery. Today, there is a debate, whether we should increase the minimum wage again. Increasing the minimum wage is useful for several reasons. First, the current minimum wage has failed to keep up with inflation. Second, a higherRead MoreMinimum Wage Should Be Increased?1472 Words   |  6 Pagesdifficult if you are living on minimum wage. Of course it’s more difficult for some people than others depending on their situation and their living conditions. Americans and working class people who do come to America for a â€Å" better opportunity† and for the famous American dream struggle. Minimum wage should be increased because of the overqualified, educated, and experienced Americans who are relying on minimum wage jobs as a result of the struggling economy. Raising minimum wage will hel p employees sustainRead MoreShould Minimum Wage Be Increased?1691 Words   |  7 PagesShould Minimum Wage be Increased? Introduction The term, â€Å"minimum wage† refers to a lowest payment that an employer is bound to pay to its workers. Today minimum wage is made compulsory in more than ninety percent of nations including Canada where workers are demanding to increase minimum wages for a long time. Minimum wages are revised by governments in order to met growing needs of workers. There is a difference of opinion on the issue of increasing minimum wages among people of Canada. EmployersRead MoreThe Minimum Wage Should Be Increased1289 Words   |  6 PagesThe National Minimum Wage Should be increased to a Living Wage. Back in 1998 Labour s’ Tony Blair introduced the national minimum wage (NMW). It was created in aid of employers not valuing their workforce, often giving them very little wages. When it was first introduced the rate was set at  £3.60 and has slowly risen to  £6.70. However this is not enough to live on. It has been estimated that you need no less than  £7.85 an hour, rising to  £9.15 in London, to survive on. There is a clear differenceRead MoreMinimum Wage Should Not Be Increased1669 Words   |  7 PagesFederal minimum wage is a huge controversy around the world and especially in the United States today. It is the lowest wage that employers can legally pay their employees. The world’s first minimum wage law was passed in the year eighteen ninety-four in New Zealand. New Zealand’s minimum wage experiment caught the attention of other countries. It made them start considering the law for their own countries. The United States passed their federal m inimum wage law in nineteen thirty-eight. The federalRead MoreThe Minimum Wage Should Be Increased Essay1758 Words   |  8 Pagesincrease the minimum wage in California from ten to fifteen dollars by the year 2022. The minimum wage will be increased by one dollar each year until 2022. This will give businesses enough time to meet state requirements to raise wages for employees. The bill was created to help people who are making less than minimum wage but it will disable California’s economy system and cause negative effects for people who are living on the current minimum wage system. The rise of the minimum wage will causeRead MoreShould The Minimum Wage Be Increased?1169 Words   |  5 Pageslarge scale over the State of Michigan’s plans to increase the minimum wage from seven dollars and fifty cents to ten dollars. Although increasing the minimum wage may seem beneficial to some, possibly stimulating the economy or increasing the standard of living for those who live below the poverty line, when looking at the economic issue through a larger lens and placing it into its context, one finds that by increasing the minimum wage, not only is the State of Michigan not addressing the most criticalRead MoreEssay on The Minimum Wage Should Be Increased1048 Words   |  5 Pagesfederal minimum wage in 1938, during the Great Depression. Congress had two goals; keeping workers away from poverty and boosting consumer spending for economic recovery. Today, there is a debate, whether we should increase the minimum wage again. Increasing the minimum wage is useful for several reasons. First, the current minimum wage has failed to keep up with inflation. Second, a higher income level reduces employee turnover and increases efficiency and ultimately, raising the minimum wage doesRead MoreFederal Minimum Wage Should Be Increased911 Words   |  4 PagesThe question that ponders many people’s minds is whether the federal minimum wage should be incre ased or not. The current U.S. minimum wage is $7.50 and this wage has not increased since 2009. Families with minimum income wages are suffering due to the fact that they cannot provide everyday needs for their families. This is the reason why many people are rioting. They are frustrated with the government’s nonchalant attitude towards the hard situations in which they are living in. A final decisionRead MoreFederal Minimum Wage Should Be Increased1180 Words   |  5 Pagesto come to conclusions that the federal minimum wage is excessively low. The government can stand to help people gain more money, resulting in a less poverty-stricken country. The cost of living or gaining has increased significantly over the past twenty years, and the minimum wage, for most isn t enough for them to support themselves. There have been efforts to increase the federal minimum wage, but none has succeeded in getting approved. Minimum wages are too low for a human, to provide for

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Rape As A Weapon Of War - 3044 Words

Being a part of a global community comes with many responsibilities and duties. People of the global community have to be aware of the dangers that are present in the lives of many people all over the globe. Human Rights issues are quite serious and violations of these rights should not be taken lightly. In exploration of a global human rights issue, the discovery of rape as a tool in war was a gross violation of human rights as well as overwhelmingly a gender issue. Rape used as a tool of war has devastated and destroyed people, communities, families, and traditions. When discussing rape as weapon of war, there are two main modern day conflicts that can not be overlooked. Rape as a weapon of war is brought into light by the wars of Congo and Bosnia. These two conflicts brought the eyes of the world onto the global issue of rape in war and more specifically how it is used as a tool of ethnocide and genocide. The recent conflict in the Congo has been rooted in the 1994 Rwandan Genocid e and related violence in Burundi which saw hundreds of thousands of Hutus flee both countries into eastern Zaà ¯re. (First and Second) In the Rwandan genocide, Hutu-power groups (called the Interahamwe and the Impuzamugambi) led mass killings of Tutsis and pro-peace Hutus, murdering 800,000 people in approximately 100 days. (Congo) In response, the Tutsi-led Rwandan Patriotic Front, or RPF, overthrew the Rwandan Hutu government. During and after the genocide, an estimated 2 million refugees,Show MoreRelatedDispute between Japan and China1288 Words   |  5 Pagesknow the background that is history of two countries. I will start from the second Sino-Japanese War because it was the largest Asian War and the most devastating War for the Republic of China. The Nanking Massacre, also known as the rape of Nanking, was a mass murder and mass rape committed by Japanese troops against Nanking during the Second Sino-Japanese War, which also happened during the World War Two. The massacre started from December 13, 1937 and it lasted six weeks. During this period,Read MoreThe Rwandan Conflict : Genocide Or War? International Journal On World Peace891 Words   |  4 PagesDominic. The 1994 Rwandan Conflict: Genocide or War? International Journal on World Peace. Vol XXX No. 3(2013). 31-54. Print. The Article by Olaifa and Dominic, provides background and general information about the Rwandan Conflict of 1994 which relates to the concept of genocide and is to determine its relationship with war as a concept. The authors present an investigation of the reasons of Rwandan tragedy and justifies the difference between concepts of war and genocide by explaining their deep definitionsRead MoreA Report On The Congo War Essay1388 Words   |  6 PagesSadly, war is a large part of life in the Congo. Blighted by political violence for decades, combatants continue to up the ante on aggression levels at an exponential rate since the inception of the Congo War in 1997. The Congo War is extraordinarily complex, with a conglomerate of loosely associated rebels fighting each other, and often swapping sides. As the levels of violence escalated, so have the casualties. The exact numbers of these casualties are in dispute. A report conducted by the InternationalRead MoreAlexander Popes The Rape of the Lock Essay1296 Words   |  6 PagesAlexander Pope’s The Rape of the Lock is a satirical poem that features a theme of gender roles. Throughout the poem, Pope uses his protagonist Belinda, to poke fun at the superficial nature of aristocratic women. He focuses on the ritual of womanhood and approaches it like a trivial matter, and her reaction to the offence is hysterical. Through this portrayal, he reveals that the Baron has a childish quality in his need for revenge for Belinda’s stab at his ego. The speaker’s view does come acrossRead MoreThe Congos Power Struggle with Belgium1276 Words   |  5 Pages The template for the Congo wars stems from disorderly years of power struggles and international interference that followed the country’s independence from Belgium in 1960. President Mobutu Sese Seko (starting 1971) for nearly three decades ruled with autocratic and corrupt values, which increased the gradual decay of all their state institutions that left communities throughout the country to fend for themselves. Mobutu’s regime after a certain amount of time began to be destabalized and thatRead MoreGenital Mutilation And Its Effects On Women1374 Words   |  6 Pagespromiscuity. Globally war s that have taken place in the 20th and 21st centuries have caused an increase in violence and harm done to women and children, as approximately 1 in 3 women in the world is beaten, coerced into sex, and otherwise abused (Shaw 506). In fact rape is a common weapon in a warring nation. The United Nations Resolution 1325 on women, peace, and security was adopted in 2000. It focuses on measures to protect women and girls for gender based violence, particularly rape and other formsRead MoreThe Rise Of The Arab Spring1555 Words   |  7 Pagesdemonstrations, riots, and civil wars in the Middle East that began on 18 December 2010, pro-democracy Syrians rose in rebellion to the existing regime of Bashar al-Assad, Syria’s president. Assad’s regime brutally fought back and with the escalation in violence, Syria descended into a civil war, with each side scrambling for control over towns and cities (Rodgers). The Syrian government has committed several war crimes s uch as torture, rape, murder and the use of chemical weapons, which led to the deathRead More The War in Iraq Essay766 Words   |  4 Pages The War in Iraq nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The war in Iraq is a controversy clouded with misinformation and confusion. To get a proper view of the war we need to step back and examine both sides, pro-war and anti-war, of the facts leading to the war, execution of the war, and the effects of the war. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;President Bush’s premise for going to war was to prevent potential weapons of mass destruction, specifically nuclear weapons, and not only to destroy current weaponsRead MoreThe Atomic Bomb Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki1445 Words   |  6 PagesAmerican dominance over the Soviet Union. Finally, the atomic bombings were an effective and justified way to end WW2 and force Japan surrender In 1937 when the Japanese army took over the Chinese city of Nanking they demonstrated barbaric forms of rape, torture, and murder towards Chinese civilians; which justifies the American retribution for firing the atomic bombs on Japan. Moreover, the Japanese people got quick and painless deaths from the atomic bombs whereas the people of Nanking sufferedRead MoreJust War Theory815 Words   |  4 PagesJust War Theory and a Thoughtful Realist One important theory within International Relations shows a moral aspect on how to conduct war. This theory is called Just War Theory. Just War Theory is a doctrine of military ethics from a philosophical and Catholic viewpoint. This theory consists of two parts: Jus ad bellum (the right to go to war) and Jus in bello (right conduct within war). Jus a bellum, the right to go to war, explicitly describes how a nation-state should conduct itself before

Friday, December 13, 2019

Who Else Wants to Learn About Hr Essay Samples?

Who Else Wants to Learn About Hr Essay Samples? But What About Hr Essay Samples? If you have a look in the sample's career objective you will see that the candidate provides some crucial information from the get-go. The definition states about the way the individual goes through and persist some obstacles they may encounter as a way to find the success they need to attain or achieve. On the flip side, It is a perception of someone that drives them to satisfy their requirements. A youthful person has the ability to act distinctively outside her or his companion bunch than inside it. Facts, Fiction and Hr Essay Samples Rather than focusing on the creation of the entire product at the same time, the scientific management employs the notion that one person should work on a single component of the manufacturing or project at the same time. You may use the samples as a foundation for working out how to write in the appropriate style. My very best holiday was a visit to singapore t wo decades ago. Because most projects are allocated for a specific quantity of resources, it's essential that the project stays within that allocated amount. If you are searching for assistance with your essay then we provide a comprehensive writing service offered by fully qualified academics in your area of study. When you are requested to compose an essay, attempt to locate some samples (models) of similar writing and learn how to observe the craft of the writer. You must find the proper resources for your essay together with patience when finding the correct inspiration to write. If you're to really gain from model essays, you will need to understand how to read the techniques of the writer'. It's called short essay in the feeling that the manner a certain topic is presented is congested but still focuses on the purpose of making the audience understand the entire point of the essay. The author starts with a rather comprehensive story of an event or description of an indiv idual or place. Lies You've Been Told About Hr Essay Samples Moreover, employers should be certain that the interview procedure is structured and consistently applied. HR certifications are getting to be increasingly vital in the business. Moreover, in the majority of situations, you're asked to compose reports that offers solutions to a specific HR issue faced by an organization. This procedure comprises few crucial forms of activity. Essays, generally, covers different topics. Stephen's essay is quite effective. All you have to do is specify if you want your essay to be delivered. When you compose a brief essay, you must remember that there aren't any elements to be sacrificed. All essays will have a particular topic that's either one you choose or one which is provided for you. The most important portion of a brief essay is known as the body. Your life story can likewise be regarded as a terrific topic in writing your private essay. It is better to read through several narrative essay examples in order to get the one which best matches the format that you're writing your essay in. Facts, Fiction and Hr Essay Samples Writing of graduate essays is merely one of the services which we provide to people who want quality scholarships. Our exhaustive database of essays can supply you with the ideal examples you have been on the lookout for. Interviews might also be computer-administered. More frequently than not, deadlines for submitting applications are almost always short which makes many possible applicants worry they will be unable to to submit their sample essay for MBA application in time. Key Pieces of Hr Essay Samples The costs with respect to hard HRM model aren't always that low. In conclusion, it appears that assignment essays continue to ge t a prominent part in tertiary education as an assessment tool. It's very useful to take writing apart so as to see just the way that it accomplishes its objectives. The distinction points of both models of HRM in the range of discourse and the total conception involve a whole lot of essential places. As HR, you're the very first impression of the company for potential employees, therefore it's important to emphasize good communication abilities. Hence the HR strategy ought to be a derivative of the entire organization strategy and aligned with it, it's an essential part of the company strategy. Your selection of format in writing your HR resume will be based on what role you intend to apply for. You don't just enumerate all the skills you believe you have. A HR employer doesn't care you have five decades of experience as a ballet dancer. Thus, the essay is supposed to coincide with the applicant's qualities and interests in order for it to boost the possibility of admissi on. It is very important to capture the interest of the admission tutors irrespective of how strict they may appear to be. Students are below a lot of pressure as soon as an exam is around the corner, and they lack enough understanding of the subject of study. If one paragraph appears to be weak, then the total level of your essay will be lacking. Short essays are important when one is hoping to present an important topic without needing to compose a great deal of words or using a number of pages. Reviewing some narrative essay examples will be able to help you to organize your information and help you decide how to compose each paragraph to acquire the best outcomes. Make certain to include transitions from 1 paragraph to the next.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Societys Effect on Obesity free essay sample

What is â€Å"fat† in today’s society? Who and how can they call someone â€Å"fat†? How did we get so â€Å"fat†? On what terms can â€Å"fat† be interpreted to overweight and or obese? Is the government lying? According to who you can is the type of response you’ll get. Everyone has their personal opinions about being fat but who is right and who is wrong? Or even is there a right or wrong? How can someone be called fat? Can fat be a good thing rather than a bad, as the media and governments tells us. With David Zinczenko’s controversial article on suing fast foods is wrong to Paul Campos’s argumentative essay criticizing the BMI scale we’ll get professional responses on this controversial topic. Sometimes â€Å"fat† can be blamed on fast food. According to â€Å"Don’t Blame the Eater†, by David Zinczenko, he argues that suing a fast food place is wrong and should be your responsibility on what he eats. He gave the perfect example to show us how wrong it is with â€Å"isn’t that like middle-aged men suing Porsche for making them get a speeding ticket?† With this example he gives an alternative view of looking at lawsuit towards fast food restaurants that are just doing their jobs and making us food. This is not to say that the fast food restaurants don’t have a part in people being fat. With fast food places spending millions of dollars in advertising, who is not to say that some can be misleading? With so many ads and billboards persuading us to eat even though we’re not hungry. Even if it’s not the misleading ads, the misleading nutrition facts on food labels play a big part. They offer an item that says an X number of calories but in small fine print or on a separate item states dressing or cheese or etc. adds an additional X number of calories that many people are not aware of. So at the end your X number has been doubled without you even noticing. So when we intake those calories into our body, we are actually creating a serious problem, a problem that hurts the nation, as a whole and us. If there is a paid celebrity promoting something people are ten times likely to try that promotion out. Arecent trend came out that was created by Carl’s Jr. where Paris Hilton was casting an a advertisement on television looking seductive and inducing a viewer while indulging her big juicy burger that is assembled with calories anywhere from 400-600. With that one advertisement being televised there are so many wrong signals that are being sent out to the viewers. For one, Paris Hilton is half naked on a car enjoying a cheeseburger which automatically grabs everyone’s attention, mainly men. Second, anyone who thinks of Paris Hilton as a role model will do anything she does or enjoys. This means that people are more likely to remember that type of burger and order it. Also, in the advertisement Paris Hilton has a slim body figure, so most girls will assume that burger will not show up in their love handles when, in reality, it does and will. The government should really take action on this advertisement and any other advertisements that are in the same category. When we get fat we make our self more available to diseases and this affects everyone in one way or another. Zinczenko stated an interesting yet frightening fact about the data of young kids and diabetes. In 1994 only 2% of all the children had diabetes but now it’s almost as 30%. This also means that healthcare cost went from $2.6 billion to over $100 billion. With this kind of change it affects every tax payer because it is their tax money that pays for their health care. When the government pays for their healthcare, is there any incentive to stop eating unhealthy meals and to change life styles? â€Å"When the government steps in and pays for your bills and pills, then what would want you to make you better, stop eating when full, or not eat that extra cheese burger† stated by Radley Balko in â€Å"What You Eat Is Your business†. When the government steps in and has a central healthcare then our weight isn’t our problems it’s the governments. When it is the government’s problem, it is everyone’s problem because when they eat that extra cheeseburger then that’s more money the tax payers would have to pay. To change this, according to Balko, we need to free insurance companies to reward healthy lifestyles then penalize the poor ones and also make the weight and health problems one the people and not the government. Radley also wrote another idea; if the government has the responsibility and not the people then why should the people change from the unhealthy yet comfortable choices of diets to the healthy but uncomfortable choices of diets? The people have nothing to lose but government does that’s why we need to turn the tables so people care and they do have to lose then they will learn to change. But with change where do we start? The change has started in many of our school and also the government has stepped in according to Balko. â€Å"The government is trying to help with anti-obesity initiatives, including prohibiting junk food in school vending machines, federal funding for new bike trails and sidewalks and demanding labels on foodstuff, restrictive food marketing to children and prodding the food industry into more â€Å"responsible† behavior.† When the government steps in, it costs us, as tax payers, money. Just because the government steps in doesn’t mean they are always right. With that being said, a perfect example would be our college campus. Our campus has a variety of fast food places. With students being on the go, and trying to get to their next class on time, they need something to go, fast and quick. Students right away rush to the closest place that sells food. Students do not really have much healthy choices on campus and cannot do much to eat healthy. Some people might argue, and say shut down these unhealthy fast-food places. If that were possible, then where would the students who live in a dorm eat or work? How will they make their living cost? So this would affect their income. In my opinion, building a healthier cafeteria that serves fruits, salads, brown rice, etc. at a reasonable price would be the best interest for people. With prices being an issue, this leads me to my next hypocritical issue. Lets face the reality; a regular cheeseburger cost no more than two dollars. A salad would cost four to five dollars. A banana would cost us a dollar. Out of the three food choices I listed, which item will most likely fill up a person’s appetite? Of course, a cheeseburger would and it is affordable, a dollar cannot go wrong. It is no wonder why many people go for the cheeseburger. All the healthy items are pricy and would not fill up one’s appetite. So why have it cost more? Why can’t the society do everyone a favor and make the salad a dollar, and a cheeseburger three dollars. If anything the meat would cost more than the lettuce! Then the government is wondering why our society is becoming obese. Money plays a huge role in people becoming obese. With the governments BMI (body mass index) scale it labels you as normal, overweight, or obese as stated in â€Å"Being Fat Is Ok† by Paul Campos. He argues that the BMI scale is greatly unfair and need to take in more factors to classify people in weight ground other than just weight. He, himself, is labeled as overweight even though he works out every day and maintains a healthy lifestyle. He states that the government has 3 lies that they scam us with. The first lie states, â€Å"We know that fat people are less healthy than thin people because they are fat.† But there is no basis for this claim also stated by Campos. Lie number two says, â€Å"We know that fat people would be as healthy as thin people if they lost weight.† But the reality is that they don’t know that 20 pound less will affect them or if it will acquire the same health risks as a person that start 20 pounds lighter. Lie number three arguable, â€Å"Fat people can choose to be thinner.† With the diet frailer rates at 90% to 98%, how can we lose the weight? There are many lies and misleading facts about being â€Å"fat†. When being a woman in today’s society, â€Å"fat† can be even worse. Feminist Susie Orbach, states, in â€Å"Fat is a Feminist Issue†, that 50% of all the girls in the US are fat or overweight. Her tone of voice changes and she says that a woman will look to how her role is played in society. With our role models and superstars being at a size 0 or 2 or even a 4, a girl that looks up to them also tries being like them even if there a size 22 they think they are â€Å"fat† because of the stereotype of being slim and having a perfect body. Susie also describes that, â€Å"Women are candidates for men, they become pray to the huge fashion and diet industries that first set up the ideal images and then exhort women to meet them.† By this, Susie is trying to say that in today’s society, women look how others want them to look. It does not matter if it’s the fashion world, beauty industry, or even just men. Women are shaped to look a certain way. As the fashion, or men’s taste in women, changes, so do women’s bodies. What Susie Orbach stated in the last sentence of her book, â€Å"In this way, fat expresses a rebellion against the powerlessness of the woman, against the pressure to look and act in a certain way and against being evaluated on her ability to create an image of her own† has us wondering if this is actually true? With so many views on â€Å"fat† who do we believe? Is it possible to even pick a side? Can it be one company’s or person’s fault? Or does it have a mixture? According to most people, being â€Å"fat† appears to be one of the biggest issues in health. Overall this is a very controversial topic because society does play a huge role in this, but at the end of the day who is responsible for their weight, the consumer. Not everyone is obese and not everyone should have to eat what obese people should be eating. The society does play a role by not taking action for their lies, false advertisements, and promoters. The government cannot do anything about this; they cannot take a burger out of someone’s hand. Though, they are letting FDA sell diet pills, they are advertising and having TV shows on obese people and their devastated lifestyles. But is this even helping the obese people? If it were helping, the number of obese people would have decreased. The consumers need to take advantage of the gym, diet pills, and just being active. If the consumer cannot do these simple tasks then they have no self-control and do not care about their lives. Also society is playing a role to help obesity out. Society and media only want and show slim body types and have better clothes for them. Even in media they have a word called â€Å"grenade† which means an ugly fat girl. This is not only rude, but also very degrading to women. Even though our society has a big impact on obesity, there is nothing they can do to stop it because restaurants and food product owners have to make their money. Obesity is one of the things that looks like is never going to come to an end due to all of our media and lack of motivation to work out. References Balko, Radley. Cato Institute . Cato Institute . (2004): n. page. Web. 5 Nov. 2012. . Campos, Paul. Slate. Slate. (2012): n. page. Web. 5 Nov. 2012. . Orbach, Susie. Fat Is a Feminist Issue. Random House, 2010. Print. Zinczenko’s, David. The New York Times. New York Times. (2002): n. page. Web. .

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Self registration Essay Example

Self registration Essay Self registration is the filling in of new issues within the Security Exchange Commission that allows participation in the Security Exchange Market Exchange within a period of about two years pending whenever the demand of the new issues arises. The main purpose of the ‘Self Registration’ is that at the time of filling in the new issue, the demand for the offering had not risen and investors cannot place a bid; therefore they have to wait until the demand arises even before the expiration of the two years. The defense is based on the 1999 – 2000 audited financial report carried out by Anderson (Worldcom Auditor) ‘who did not uncover any financial fraud until May 2007’.   Between 2000 and 2001 WorldCom sold two bond offerings using the Audited financial report as at that time. Evidently, provided an unedited interim report of 2000 and 2001 as at the time of filling in the ‘Self Registration’ at the Security Exchange Commission and the information he presented is similar to the Audited Financial Report prior to the sale of the bond offerings on the said dates. We will write a custom essay sample on Self registration specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Self registration specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Self registration specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The due diligence of an investment bank exists for the fact that the ‘investment bank’ as the word implies, cannot invest in a business without carrying out due diligence. The due diligence is carried out in order to determine the success and failure of a business taking into consideration   of the past performance, present and in the future. The due diligence report is carried out in case of purchasing existing business and other investment that require capital. The investment bank may be required by the investor or vendor to provide loan or equity capital. The due diligence report will be based on the past, present and future development to determine the cash flow know as the ‘debt servicing factor’ of the requested loan. During the due diligence investigation, the following areas are thoroughly explored. Personnel Review: The staff of the business employed and the individual skills and also to know if the company is over staff. The labour strength could be reduced if it is overstaff   and retaining   only  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  the   skilled staff Books of Account:     The financial reports of the business becomes very necessary which will picture out the financial strength and weakness of the business. The books include the audited Profit and lost Statement and Balance Sheet for the last three years. The company assets and liabilities will be revealed in theses books of account. Marketing: The demand of the products and services will be taken into consideration and also to know the customers they are dealing with including creditors as well. Property or equipment: The type of equipment used if directly purchased or on lease, appreciation and depreciation. Business operation: They will take into consideration the location of the business, inventories. Insurance policies and other related factors It was alleged that there was a fraudulent statement during the ‘Self Registration’ excise based on the audited financial statement of 2000 and 2001 available. It was deliberated that the due diligence report was prepared by a none expert or was deliberately prepared an in- house expert and the report failed to reach the required due diligence standard. Consequently, the report did not revealed the financial weakness of WorldCom both in the audited financial statement and at the time of the   ‘Self Registration’ exercise in the United State Security Exchange Commission. It was also deliberated that the defendants were only relying on the representation of Barchris   insiders. One of theses insiders was   Bran Birnbaurm   who was a young Anttony of Barchris’s house counsel, Secretary   and members of the board   of directors. Based on the above factors, the summary Judgment was as follows; The audit financial report of Anderson was proved â€Å"unclean† for the fact that his report did not reveal the true financial picture   of WorldCom whose executives performed the fraudulent financial deal and consequently, was unable to uncover the financial fraud until in 2002.   The Underwriters defendants motion for the summary judgment was dined. The   due diligence defense: There was no set standard as to know the qualified expert who prepared the report.   Also â€Å"The standard to determine what constitute a reasonable investigation†¦Ã¢â‚¬  is not identified. The time needed to conduct an adequate diligence report cannot be determined due to the fact that there is no need to hurry when taking over a business; hurrying over to take over a business without an adequate due diligence carried out could bring dome to the business and may result to huge financial loss. On the other hand, the due diligence report should be readily available by the vendor but may not be taken so serious by the investment bank until an independent due diligence is carried out by independent third party who has no stake in the business. The investor may decide to give the business a trial period say from within two to there years period in order to see the strength and weakness of the business; if it impresses him, then he can go ahead to sign a detailed sales agreement with the investor(s).  Ã‚   So the trial period could bridge the gap between the urgent need and the period an adequate due diligence could be carried out. A thorough investigation was not carried out before the filling in the â€Å"Self Registration† Form S-3. The time required to undertake the process of the due diligence investigation cannot reconcile with the time the â€Å"Self Registration† exercise was performed.   Consequently,   the report was fraudulent although it was prepared by an expert.The due diligence investigation would have been carried out first before the filling in of the â€Å"Self Registration† Form S-3 of 2000 and 2001 respectively. In another development, it was revealed that the investment bank was considered to come in to turn around the weaken financial position of WorldCom before the new offering of 2001. This was an initial suggestion of the Defendants.   This would have gone a long way to uncover the financial fraud of WorldCom. The bank was would have carried out the due diligence report before investing into the business either through loan or equity participation. The bank would have taken the above mentioned step to determine the past, present and future financial position of Worldcom. The worldcom unhealthy financial position would have been revived if due diligence report was carried out by an independent professional before the issuing of the offering in the Stock Exchange Commission of 2000 and 20001 respectively.   The involvement of the investment bank would have turned the situation around but the management did not allow that for the fact that it could lead to the discovery of their fraudulent practices Also there was the   need to adopt to the required accounting standard and as well as the due diligence investigation to be carried out by outside professionals. At the end of the judgment, there is the need to remove all corrupt staff and employed new Staff   of Worldcom to enable it takes up in   a   in a brighter atmosphere. The new management team should have dis-engage outside and inside professional such as Solicitors, Accountants etc that contribute to the WorldCom unhealthy financial situation. Note:  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the internet â€Å"Self Registration† has various definitions outside the Security Exchange Commission. It is defined as online registration for services including admissions. It was not related to the any of the Security Exchange in Europe or other part of the world apart from the United States. As at this time, I have not come across information of self registration in Europe. I am assuming that it is the United States Security Exchange Commission that has the â€Å"Self Registration† exercise.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Negative Effects Of Technology Essay

Negative Effects Of Technology Essay Negative Effects Of Technology Essay Leandro Profeta 11/07/2014 Essay 8 New gadgets and social media have contributed a lot of bad things in our lives. Even though social media helps us to make things easier, it still has consequences for us. There is always a catch. For instance, technology can be used to perform some drastic and catastrophic events more quickly. Moreover, gadgets make people to think differently. If we don’t control ourselves when using it, we might lose our ability to think for ourselves, our freedom and we might hurt somebodys’ feeling. Every single day, there is no time that we aren’t going to check our Facebook account. Indeed, probably some of us do that before we start our day. Checking the News Feed on Facebook may be fascinating for some of us. Some articles in News Feed are very interesting, for instance, how chatting and texting alter our language little by little because new generation kids talk. They usually change the spelling of each word. Some articles are just about something how you are going to live your life in particular day, or how is your day going to be. It’s like a digital horoscope. In fact, some people defend their day in this sort of things. They forget that they are the ones who are going to live. For newspaper publishers, Facebook is affecting their businesses because more than half of Americans get their news from it. It’s kind of pulling the people away from the fact that newspaper is more accurate in terms of news and has reliable source. Some of us are being controlled by digital devices because we let the simple machine intrude into our lives. Digital devices and high technology are number one destruction and freedom intrusion. U.S. government has spent billions of dollars to watch our nation. And because high technology is being used to perform awful plans to harm us these days, hostile countries can easily ruin our nation digitally and stealthily. However, U.S. government is very advanced to stake someone out because they have money and power to do that. Using their high technology, they are able to eavesdrop to the private conversations and watch everyone of us secretly.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Make vs Buy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Make vs Buy - Assignment Example The restaurant is intended to sell diverse products, which include buffet, pizza, soup, sauces and desserts. In addition, the restaurant will have a self-service soda bar. Although there are other companies such as McDonalds serving the area, the prices of their products are not affordable to most people in Florida. Moreover, these companies do not have physical locations in the area but rely on suppliers. This means that Papa Geo has the potential of competing effectively in the market and possibly gaining competitive advantage (Jeffries & McGrath, 2008). The fact that the products of the company are rare in the market consequently highly demand makes the company more competitive. This will ensure that the company records high sales volume. Moreover, the company will register high sales volume because they produce variety, which gives consumers the ability and freedom of choice. Finally, the company strategy is effective because it attracts children too, which will boost sales since it will be assumed to a family restaurant (Jeffries & McGrath, 2008). The offers given by financial lending institution will be enough in setting up the business and repayment period is reasonable, which will grant the owner the opportunity to repay comfortably. Therefore, the business can be set up but it requires effective analysis and forecasting due to uncertainties in the business environment. Proper financial budgetary planning is fundamental in achieving the company’s strategy. Sale forecast forms the most critical part of this budget proposal because, it is through proper and accurate forecasts in sales that the entrepreneur would be able to determine the amount to repay either in monthly or annual basis. The above sales forecasts are made with the assumptions that one unit in the company goes at $7, and each individual in the 15-minute area purchases one unit

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Killing of the Buddha Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 187

Killing of the Buddha - Essay Example The Koan should not be taken since killing goes against Buddhist teachings. Instead, the koan advocates for self-interrogation with an aim of bringing in clarity aspects that promotes the development of one’s self. In the Koan â€Å"finding the Buddha† symbolizes a walk on the path of enlightenment. The process can be interpreted to include our path or the direction that an individual takes in his life. The â€Å"Buddha† that we are supposed to represent an idealized personal perfection that we have about ourselves. The Buddha represents us as well as our projection to the outside world. The Buddha consists of our conception of absolute enlightenment (McGee, 2015). The â€Å"Killing of the Buddha† means that human beings are often wrong in the conception of themselves. The Koan dictates that it is practical and achievable for an individual to separate himself from the misconception of himself through meditation. If a person believes that he has spiritual e nlightenment, then the person must get rid of the perception and meditate. Through meditation, the enlightenment has no permanence, and everything keeps on changing. The Koan teaches us that if we consider ourselves as having all solutions then such a perception must be avoided, and we must question such solutions to get better solutions. By following the Koan and always meditating, then one creates a learning process and keeps on enlightening. Such a process reinforces the journey to being complete. Ultimately, one learns that he or she is a disguised Buddha (McGee, 2015).

Monday, November 18, 2019

Case analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Case analysis - Essay Example It operates under a decentralized management approach based on the belief that the leaders maintain a close contact with patients and customers by addressing their needs. The company has maintained the values of their customers employing a business performance in providing its services. The strategic move adopted by J&J to reach this position is the operation under a competent diverse board of directors. The corporate strategy of J&J has enabled it expand its markets in America’s competitive health sector. It currently operates 134 manufacturing facilities and 8 innovation centers globally. That enables it to innovate new products and achieve customer satisfaction in service delivery. Synergy has helped J&J manufacture and produce better products and deliver services that satisfy customers’ demands through improved growth and innovation. CEO Weldon formed a corporate office that encouraged J&J’s business units to work with other firms in promoting and identifying opportunities. The cooperation between J&J and H4+ has helped reduce mortality rate in children and reduce pregnancy and birth related complications in women. Weldon employs his persuasive skills in luring firms to work with them and convince Doctors and Hospitals to try their products. Weldon uses his leadership skills to implement synergy at J&J by promoting collaboration and participation within and across cross-functional business units. Weldon has succeeded in drawing the diverse skills of J&J’s business units across the three divisions as a way of promoting innovation. Gorsky needs to maintain good communication with other firms to promote synergy. That consequently expands J&J’s domination in the economic

Friday, November 15, 2019

Structure and Uses of Ibuprofen

Structure and Uses of Ibuprofen Abstract The Controlled-release dosage forms are formulated to release the drugs active ingredient gradually and predictably over an extended period of time that is something like 12 to 24 hour period. â€Å"These formulations potentially provide for greater effectiveness in the treatment of chronic conditions through more consistent delivery of the medication; reduced side effects; greater convenience; and higher levels of patient compliance due to a simplified dosage schedule, compared with those of immediate-release drugs†. Ibuprofen is a colourless, crystalline solid which is having a low soluble limits in water but it is having a better solublity in most organic solvents. â€Å"The main aim of this work is control the release of drug by encapsulating it in to coating materials like fattyacids (palmiticacid and pluronic F-127). Encapsulating of ibuprofen by using freeze drying technique in this technique Ibuprofen is encapsulated in to the fattyacid and pluronic (F127), these coating materials have the property of controlling the release of drug when the coated drug is entered in to the body the coating materials which surrounded to the drug is control the release of drug†. The release of encapsulated ibuprofen is determined by Flow through dissolution and UV- visible spectroscopy. INTRODUCTION 1. IBUPROFEN Ibuprofen is a colourless, crystalline solid which is having a very very low solubility limits I case of water but it is having comparabelly better soluble limits in case of organic solvents. The synthesis of ibuprofen was originally reported in 1964 from Ï -isobutyl- lacetophen but the drug was not marketed in the United States until 1974 despite the fact that it had been available for several years in Europe. â€Å"It was the indomethacin and was immediately accepted in therapy. Its success was a factor in the introduction of many new agents in the 1970s. Ibuprofen was the first aryl propionic acid derivative to be marketed in the United States†. This chemical class currently comprises of the largest group of NSAIDs under investigation with as many as 25 derivatives in various stages of development. â€Å"It recently became the first prescription NSAIA to become available as an over the counter analgesic in almost 30 years and is avialble under a number of trade names, It is also sometimes known as: Advil, Anadin Ibuprofen, Arthrofen, Brufen, Retard, Cuprofen, Fenbid; Galprofen, Hedex Ibuprofen, Ibufem; Librofem; Mandafen; Manorfen; Migrafen; Motrin; Nurofen; Obifen; Relcofen perhaps being among the more widely used. The continuing popularity of ibuprofen is evidenced by the appearance 200 prescription drugs in the United States†. IUPAC name : 2-[4-(2-methylpropyl) phenyl] propanoacid, Formula : C13H18O2, Molecular mass : 206.28, Melting point : 76  °C (1. 69  °F) Bioavailability : 49-73, Protein binding : 99%, Metabolism : Hepatic, Half life : 1.8-2 hours, Excretion : Renal. 1.1 Structure of Ibuprofen Structure of IBUPROFEN Ibuprofen is a white powder belonging to the propionic acid derivatives, with a melting point of 74 77 ° C. It is only slightly soluble in water but readily soluble in organic solvents such as ethanol. It is a chiral compound; racemic Ibuprofen is usually used, although only one form is active medicinally. â€Å"Ibuprofen is made up of covalently-bonded carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. 2 CH3 molecules are single-bonded to a CH molecule The CH molecule is bonded to a carbon atom that forms a 6-sided ring of carbon atoms†. Another CH molecule is single-bonded to a carbon atom on the other side of the ring. Inside the ring there are 3 double bonds between carbon atoms. Then another CH3 molecule and a COOH molecule are both single bonded to the CH molecule on the right. Because it is nonsteroidal, it is widely used as it does not upset the hormonal balance in the body. Its anti-inflammatory, analgesic (pain relieving) and antipyretic (fever reducing) actions are co moderate pain such as headache, toothache, and migraine as well as symptoms of fever. 1.2 Stereochemistry Ibuprofen contains a chiral carbon in the ∞ position of the propionate moiety. As such, there are two possible enantiomers of ibuprofen, with the potential for different biological effects and metabolism for each enantiomer. Indeed it was found that (S)(+)- ibuprofen (dexibuprofen) was the active form both in vitro and in vivo, because of this reason the ibuprofen is marketed as a single enantiomer as occurs with naproxen and other NSAIDs. And the in vivo experiments revealed the existence of an Isomerase (2-arylpropionylco-A epimerase) which converted (R) -ibuprofen to the active (S)-enantiomer .Most of the ibuprofen formulations are marketed as racemic mixtures. Racemic ibuprofen is an important NSAID used in the treatment of pain and inflammation in a variety of musculoskeletal rheumatic disorders. 1.3 Synthesis â€Å"There have been many commercial and laboratory publications for the synthesis of Ibuprofen. Two of the most popular ways to obtain Ibuprofen are the Boot process and the Hoechst process. The Boot process is an older commercial process developed by the Boot Pure Drug Company, and the Hoechst process is a newer process developed by the Hoechst Company. Most of these routes to Ibuprofen begin with isobutyl benzene and use Friedel-Crafts acylation. The Boot process requires six steps, while the Hoechst process, with the assistance of catalysts, is completed in only three steps†. Cheminor Drugs have developed a process for an improved version of ibuprofen based on chiral synthesis. The move is significant given that pure S-Ibuprofen (the active form of ibuprofen) could near halve the regular ibuprofen dosage, besides improving the side-effect profile. However the human body can convert the inactive (R) form into the (S) form, so eventually 100% of the ibuprofen taken becomes active. The process discovered by Cheminor is therefore unlikely to have commercial significance. [6] 1.4 Mechanism of action: â€Å"Ibuprofen is an NSAID which is believed to work through inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX), thus inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis. There are at least 2 variants of cyclooxygenase (COX-1 and COX-2). Ibuprofen inhibits both COX-1 and COX-2. It appears that its analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory activity is achieved principally through COX-2 inhibition; whereas COX-1 inhibition is responsible for its unwanted effects on platelet aggregation and the GI mucosa†. The role of the individual COX isoforms in the analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and gastric damage effects of NSAIDs is uncertain and different compounds cause different degrees of analgesia and gastric damage. 1.5 Absorption and metabolism: Ibuprofen is quite rapidly absorbed when it is admistered orally we can witness the peak plasma levels are obtained withan 2hours time.† As with most of these acidic NSAIDs , ibuprofen(pka=4.43) is extensively bound to the plasma proteins(99%) and will interact with other acidic drugs which are protein bound. Metabolism occur rapidly and the drug is nearly completely excreted in the urine as UN changed drug and oxidative metabolites with in 24 hrs following administration†. Metabolism involves primarily ω-1and ω-2 oxidation of the Ï -iso butyl side chain, followed by alcohol oxidation of the primary alcohol resulting from the ω-oxidation to the corresponding carboxylic acid. All metabolites are essentially in active. When Ibuprofen id administered as the individual enantiomers, the major metabolites isolated are the (+)-isomers regardless of the configuration of the administered enantiomer.intrestingley, the (R)(-)-enantiomer is inverted to the (S)-(+)-enant iomer in vivo, accounting for the observation that the two enantiomers are bioequivalent In vivo. 1.6 Ibuprofen uses: Ibuprofen is used to relief the symptoms of a wide range of illnesses such as headaches, backache, period pain, dental pain, neuralgia, rheumatic pain, muscular pain, migraine, cold and flu symptoms and arthritis. Recently evidence has emerged suggesting that ibuprofen is effective in the treatment of Alzheimers disease. 1.7 Ibuprofen side effects Ibuprofen is regarded as the first choice drug in its class due to the low number of side effects and complications associated with it. The most frequent type of adverse reaction occurring with ibuprofen is gastrointestinal. In clinical trials, the percentage of patients reporting one or more gastrointestinal complaints ranged from 4% to 16%. Common Side Effects: stomach upset or irritation Infrequent Side Effects: nausea and/or vomiting, constipation, diarrhoea Rare Side Effects: skin irritations, drowsiness, gastrointestinal bleeding Ibuprofen has the lowest incidence of gastrointestinal adverse effects, reactions of all the non selective NSAIDS. However this only holds true in case of lower doses of ibuprofen, so over the counter preparation of ibuprofen are generally labelled to advise a maximum daily dose of 1,200 mg. 1.8 Risks involved 1.8.1 Cardiovascular Risk: Along with several other NSAIDs, ibuprofen has been implicated in elevating the risk of myocardial infarction, particularly among those chronically using high doses. 1.8.2 Risks in Pregnancy: Ibuprofen consumption should be avoided in late pregnancy due to risk of premature closure of the ducts arteries in the fetal heart. 1.8.3 Risks in Inflammatory Bowel Disease â€Å"Ibuprofen should not be used regularly in individuals with Inflammatory Bowel Diseas (IBD-Crohns Disease and Ulcerative Colitis)due to its ability to cause gastric bleeding and form ulceration in the gastric lining. Drugs such as Advil should be avoided in persons afflicted with IBD. Pain relievers such as Tylenol (containing acetaminophen) or drugs containing Codeine (which slows down bowel activity) are safer methods than Ibuprofen for pain relief in IBD†. Ibuprofen is also known to cause worsening of IBD during times of a flare-up, thus should be avoided completely. 1.8.4Drug-Drug Interactions Ibuprofen is associated with several suspected or other probable interactions that can affect the action of other drugs .Ibuprofen leads to the increased levels of lithium leading to the reduction of lithium excretion from the kidneys, and this may lead to lithium toxicity. Ibuprofen may lead to the lowering of blood pressure because prostaglandins play an important role in reducing the blood pressure. Ibuprofen is used in combination with amino glycosides for e.g.: The blood levels of gentamycin may increase presumably because the elimination of amino glycosides from the body is reduced and may lead to amino glycoside side effect. 1.9. Absorption and Metabolism Ibuprofen is rapidly absorbed on oral administration with peak plasma levels being generally attained with in 2hrs. As with most of these acidic NSAIDs , ibuprofen(pka=4.43) is extensively bound to the plasma proteins(99%) and will interact with other acidic drugs which are protein bound. Metabolism involves primarily ω-1and ω-2 oxidation of the Ï -iso butyl side chain, followed by alcohol oxidation of the primary alcohol resulting from the ω-oxidation to the corresponding carboxylic acid. All the metabolites are essentially inactive. The (R)(-)-enantiomer is inverted to the (S)-(+)-enantiomer in vivo, accounting for the observation that the two enantiomers are bioequivalent In vivo. 1.9 Mechanism of Action Ibuprofen is an NSAID which is believed to work through inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX), thus inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis. Prostaglandins are produced in response to injury or certain diseases 2 variants of cyclooxygenase (COX-1 and COX-2). Ibuprofen inhibits both COX-1 and COX-2. It appears that its analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory activity is achieved principally through COX-2 inhibition; whereas COX-1 inhibition is responsible for its unwanted effects on platelet aggregation and the GI mucosa. The role of the individual COX Isoforms in the Analgesic, Antiinflammatory, and the Gastric damage and affects of NSAIDs is uncertain and different degrees of Analgesia and Gastric damage occur. 1.10 Controlled Release Mechanisms Controlled release implies regulation of the delivery of a a drug by a device the control is aimed at delivering the drug at a specific rate for a definite period of time independent of the local environments. Controlled release may also incorporate methods of promote localization of drug at an active site. Site specific and targeted delivery systems are the descriptive term used to denote this type of control. The periods of delivery are much longer than in case of sustained release and may vary from days to years. Controlled release mechanism is designed to release the drug in vivo according to predictable rates that can be verified by in-vitro measurements. Controlled release technology implies a quantities understanding of the physic chemical mechanism of drug availability to the extent that the dosage form release rate can be specified. Potential development s and new approaches to oral controlled release drug delivery systems, intragastric floating tablets, Trans mucosal tablets and micro porous membrane coated tablets . An example of application to the controlled release technology to dosage form design consists of a polymer matrix in which a drug containing solution is dispersed in the form of micro cells. The barrier permeability and the drug solubility in the dispersed solution are variables that can be adjusted to provide predictable drug release rates. All pharmaceutical dosage forms should be controlled release formulations -with rate specified and bioavailability assured by the drug delivery design. There are three types of controlled release mechanisms: Ø Diffusion Ø Swelling Ø Degradation 2 .Palmitic acid Palmitic acid,CH3(CH2)14COOH or hexadecanoic acid in IUPAC nomenclature, is one of the most common saturated fatty acids found in animals and plants. As its name indicates, it is a major component of the oil from palm trees (palm oil and palm kernel oil). Palmitate is a term for the salts or esters of palmitic acid. The palmitate anion is the observed form of palmitic acid at physiological pH. CAS number 57-10-3 Molecular formula C16H32O2 Molar mass 256.42 g/mol Appearance White crystals Density 0.853 g/cm3 at 62  °C Melting point 63-64  °C Boiling point 351-352  °C[2] 215  °C at 15 mmHg Solubility in water Insoluble 2.1 Biochemistry â€Å"Palmitic acid is the first fatty acid produced during lipogenesis (fatty acid synthesis) and from which longer fatty acids can be produced. Palmitate negatively feeds back on acetyl- CoA carboxyl(ACC) which is responsible for converting acetyl-CoA to malonyl-CoA which is used to add to the growing acyl chain, thus preventing further palmitate generation. Reduction of palmitic acid yields cetyl alcohol†. 2.2 Uses Derivatives of palmitic acid were used in combination with naphtha during World War II to produce napalm (aluminum naphthenate and aluminum palmitate). [6] â€Å"The World Health Organization claims there is convincing evidence that dietary intake of palmitic acid increases risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. However, possibly less-disinterested studies have shown no ill effect, or even a favorable effect, of dietary consumption of palmitic acid on blood lipids and cardiovascular disease, so that the WHO finding may be deemed controversial.[8] However, another study showed that palmitic acid has no hypercholesterolaemic effect if intake of linoleic acid is greater than 4.5% of energy. On the other hand, it was shown that, if the diet contains trans fatty acids, the health effects are negative, causing an LDL cholesterol increase and HDL cholesterol decrease†. â€Å"Recently, a long-acting anti-psychotic medication, paliperidone palmitate (marketed as INVEGA Sustenna), used in the treatment of schizophrenia, has been synthesized using the oily palmitate ester as a long-acting release carrier medium when injected intramuscularly. The underlying method of drug delivery is similar to that used with decanoic acid to deliver long-acting depot medication, in particular, neuroleptics such as haloperidol decanoate†. 3 .Pluronic F-127 Pluronic F127 is a difunctional block copolymer surfactant terminating in primary hydroxyl groups. A non-ionic surfactant that is 100% active and relatively nontoxic. 3.1 Specifications Cloud point (10% aqueous)†¦.. >100 °C Color, APHA †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 120 max. Water, weight %†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Cast Solid-0.4 max. Prill/Micropastille-0.75 max. pH (2.5% aqueous)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 6.0 7.0 3.2 Typical physical properties Form†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Cast solid /Prill /Micropastille Average molecular weight†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦ 12600 Specific gravity, 77 °/25 °C†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 1.05 Viscosity, cps at 77 °C †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 3100 Melt Point†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 56 °C Cloud point (1% aqueous)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦ >100 °C Foam height (Ross Miles, 0.1% aqueous at 50 °C)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 40 mm Surface tension (0.1% aqueous)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 41 dynes/cm at25 °C HLB†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 18 − 23 Solubility in water at 25 °C†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. >10% Wetting, Draves Sink Time (3-gm hook, 0.1% aqueous at 25 °C)†¦.. >360 seconds â€Å"Pluronicf-127 is polymer with an additional property in aqueous solution which will covert from its liquid state to that of a non fluid hydrogel, which is a main characteristic of the protein drug delivery system†.Pluronic-f127 is also considered as an Thermo Reversible Gelatine of the co-polymer f127 whose generic name is 407 in water makes it an unique candidate for Microencapsulaton application â€Å"Pluronic-f127 is a surfactant molecule with highly beneficial characteristics that makes it a strong candidate for protein drug delivery system. Its interaction with the polypeptides is most likely of minimisation of potential energy by mutual exclusion of hydrophobic residues from the aqueous medium as was predicted by computer probing and verified by fluorescent probing†. 4. Microencapsulation This is a process by which very tiny droplets or particles of liquid or solid material are surrounded or coated with a continuous film of polymeric material. These micro-capsules have a number of benefits such as converting liquids to solids, separating reactive compounds, providing environmental protection, improved material handling properties. Active materials are then encapsulated in micron-sized capsules of barrier polymers (gelatin, plastic, wax, ). â€Å"The reasons for micro encapsulation are countless. In some cases, the core must be isolated from its surroundings, as in isolating vitamins from the deteriorating effects of oxygen, retarding evaporation of a volatile core, improving the handling properties of a sticky material, or isolating a reactive core from chemical attack. In other cases, the objective is not to isolate the core completely but to control the rate at which it leaves the microcapsule, as in the controlled release of drugs or pesticides†. The problem may be as simple as masking the taste or odour of the core, or as complex as increasing the selectivity of an adsorption or extraction. 4.1 Micro encapsulation techniques: *Physical methods of encapsulation > Rotary disk atomization > Fluid bed coating > Stationary nozzle co extrusion > Centrifugal head co extrusion > Submerged nozzle co extrusion > Spray drying > Pan coating * Chemical methods of encapsulation > Phase separation > Solvent evaporation > Solvent extraction > Interfacial polymerization > Simple and complex coacervation > In-situ polymerization > Liposome technology * Shell materials used for en capsulation > Proteins > Polysaccharides > Starches > waxes > Fats > Natural and synthetic polymers > Resins 4.2 Chemicals used in this experiment: Drug: IBUPROFEN Coating polymer: pvp and pluronic (f77) Phosphate buffer (7.4) Composition of phosphate buffer Ø Potassium chloride Ø Sodium chloride Ø Potassium di hydro ortho phosphate Sodium di hydro ortho phosphate 6. Freeze Drying: Freeze-drying (also known as lyophilisation or cry desiccation) is a dehydration process typically used to preserve a perishable material or make the material more convenient for transport. Freeze-drying works by freezing the material and then reducing the surrounding pressure and adding enough heat to allow the frozen water in the material to sublime directly from the solid phase to gas. There are several stages involved in the freeze drying process 6.1 Freezing stage: â€Å" The freezing process consists of freezing the material. In a lab, this is often done by placing the material in a freeze-drying flask and rotating the flask in a bath, called a shell freezer, which is cooled by mechanical refrigeration, dry ice and methanol, or liquid nitrogen. On a larger-scale, freezing is usually done using a freeze-drying machine. In this step, it is important to cool the material below its eutectic point, the lowest temperature at which the solid and liquid phases of the material can coexist. This ensures that sublimation rather than melting will occur in the following steps. Larger crystals are easier to freeze-dry. To produce larger crystals, the product should be frozen slowly or can be cycled up and down in temperature. This cycling process is called annealing. However, in the case of food, or objects with formerly-living cells, large ice crystals will break the cell walls (discovered byClarence Birdseye)†. Usually, the freezing temperatures ar e between -50  °C and -80  °C. The freezing phase is the most critical in the whole freeze-drying process, because the product can be spoiled if badly done. Amorphous (glassy) materials do not have an eutectic point, but do have a critical point, below which the product must be maintained to prevent melt-back or collapse during primary and secondary drying. 6.2 Primary drying: â€Å" Primary drying can reduce the moisture content of a freeze dried solid to around 0.5%. Further reduction can be effected by secondary drying. During the primary drying, the latent heat of sublimation must be provided and the vapour removed. enough heat is supplied to the material for the water to sublimate In this initial drying phase, about 95% of the water in the material is sublimated. This phase may be slow (can be several days in the industry), because, if too much heat is added, the materials structure could be altered†. 6.3 Secondary drying: The removal of residual moisture at the end o primary drying is performed by raising the temperature of the solid to as high as 50 °C or 60 °C. A high temperature is permissible for many materials because the small amount of moisture remaining is not sufficient to cause spoilage 6.4 Freeze drying advantages: Drying takes place at very low temperatures, so that enzyme action is inhibited and chemical decomposition, particularly hydrolysis, is minimised. The solution is frozen such that the final dry product is a net work of solid occupying the same volume as the original solution. Thus the product is light and porous. The porous form of the product gives ready solubility. There is no concentration of the solution prior to drying. Hence, salts do not concentrate and denature proteins, as occurs with other drying methods. As the process takes place under high vacuum there is little contact with air, and oxidation is minimized. 6.5 Freeze drying disadvantages: The porosity, ready solubility and complete dryness yield a very hygroscopic product. Unless products are dried in their final container and sealed in situ, packaging requires special conditions. The process is very slow and uses complicated plant, which is very expensive. It is not a general method of drying, therefore, but is limited to certain types of valuable products which, because of their heat sensitivity, cannot be dried by any other means. 7 Apparatus used for the experiment : 7.1 Uv_visible spectroscopy: â€Å" A diagram of the components of a typical spectrometer is shown in the following diagram. The functioning of this instrument is relatively straightforward. A beam of light from a visible and/or UV light source (colored red) is separated into its component wavelengths by a prism or diffraction grating. Each monochromatic (single wavelength) beam in turn is split into two equal intensity beams by a half-mirrored device†. One beam, the sample beam (colored magenta), passes through a small transparent container (cuvette) containing a solution of the compound being studied in a transparent solvent. The other beam, the reference (colored blue), passes through an identical cuvette containing only the solvent. The intensities of these light beams are then measured by electronic detectors and compared. The intensity of the reference beam, which should have suffered little or no light absorption, is defined as I0. The intensity ofthe sample beam is defined as I. Over a short perio d of time, the spectrometer automatically scans all the component wavelengths in the manner described. The ultraviolet (UV) region scanned is normally from 200 to 400 nm, and the visible portion is from 400 to 800 nm. [11] Components of UV_ visible spectroscopy 7.2 Instrumentation: Source of light: The best source of light that which is more stable more intense and which gives range of spectrum from 180-360nm.The different sources available are: Hydrogen discharge lamp:It is more stable robust and widely used.It gives radiation from 120-350nm.The lamp consist of hydrogen under pressure. Deuterium lamp: It is similar to hydrogen discharge lamp, but filled with deuterium in the place of hydrogen.It offers 3-5 times more intensity than other types.This is most widely used but expensive. Xenon discharge lamp: In this lamp, xenon at 10-30 atmospheric pressure is filled in and has two tungsten electrodes. The intensity is greater than hydrogen discharge lamp. Mercury arc: This contains mercury vapour and offers bands which are sharp.The spectrum is not continuous. Monochromaters: â€Å"Grating monochromaters are used, filters and prism monochromaters are not used because of low resolution.On the other hand gratings provide a band pass of 0.4 to 2nm.Hence they are more widely used incase of expensive spectrophotometers.The mirrors ,gratings are made up of quartz since glass absorbs uv radiation from 200-300nm.Mirrors are front surfaced to prevent absorption of radiation†. Sample Cells: â€Å"The design of sample cells used is similar to that used in colorimetry expect that it is made up of quartz. Quartz cells only must be used in uv spectroscopy since glass cells will absorb uv radiation.The pathlength of the cells are 10mm or 1cm†. Solvents: â€Å"solvent plays an important role in uv spectra, since compound peak could be obscured by solvent peak.Hence the solvent for a sample is selected in such a way that solvent neither absorbs in the region of measurement nor affects the absorption of the sample†. Detectors: Although any one of the detectors used in colorimetry can be used, photomultiplier tubes are mainly used, since the cost of such UV spectrophotometers are high and more accurate measurements are to be made. Single beam and double beam UV spectrophotometers are used. 7.3.Beers law (related to concentration of absorbing species): Beers law states that the intensity of beam of monochromatic light decreases exponentially with increase in the concentration of absorbing species arithmetically. Lamberts law (related to thickness/ path length of absorbing species): Lamberts law states that the rate of decrease of intensity (monochromatic light) with the thickness of the medium is directly proportional to the intensity of incident light. Beer-Lambert Law: The beer lamberts law states that absorbance of a solution is directly proportionally to the concentration of the solution. A = −log_{10}(I/I_0) = epsiloncdot ccdot L, The beer-lambert law is useful for characterizing of the compounds but does not hold as a universal relationship for the concentration and absorption of all species. Applications: It is mainly used in the detection of impurities. It is used in the structure elucidation of organic compounds. And also used in the analysis of organic compounds. Detrmination of molecular weight. Determination of dissociation constant of acids and bases. 7.4 Flow through dissolution apparatus: â€Å"The flow-through cell is a suitable method for dissolution studies of poorly soluble drugs. The dissolution can be influenced by changing parameters in the apparatus and by changing the physical properties of the drug and the medium used. In this study the dissolution of ibuprofen was examined†. Results showed that a smaller particle size gave a higher dissolution rate. With a dose of 50mg a higher percent dissolved was obtained compared to a dose of 100mg. However, a larger mass (mg) was dissolved when the dose of 100mg was used. When using a cell diameter of 12mm instead of a cell diameter of 22.6mm the dissolution rate increased. A larger dissolution rate was also obtained when the flow of the medium was increased. Finally the effect of changing medium was examined. Results showed that by including a surfactant to the medium a drastic increase of the dissolution rate was obtained. The flow-through cell has since the 90s been used as an alternative method for dissolution studies . It has some advantages over previous dissolution methods. It is easier to retain sink condition, i.e. to keep a sufficiently low concentration in the remaining solution. This makes it possible to keep a constant diving force (=concentration difference) the whole time during the release experiment. The concentration should not exceed one third of the saturated. The medium can be changed automatically during the study which is very useful in in vitro in vivo studies . Previous studies have showed the importance of deaeration of the dissolution medium, how the packing of the cell can influence the dissolution and that the results obtained with the flow-through cell are more reproducible than obtained with previous methods as dissolution baths In this study the dissolution of ibuprofen was examined in the flow-through cell. Six parameters were of interest: The packing of the cell The particle size of the drug The dose The volume flow of the medium through the cell The cell diameter The medium Desirable results were good reproducibility, i.e. small standard deviation between tests and cells, and to maintain sink condition during the experiment. Advantages : Laminar flow characteristics over a wide range of solvent flow rates Infinite sink ideal for low solubility drugs Differential rather than cumulative time profile o

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Wuthering Heights, Chapters 11-23 :: Free Essay Writer

Wuthering Heights, Chapters 11-23 Chapters 11-12 After her long absence from Wuthering Heights, Nelly decides to return in order to speak with Hindley. However, instead she meets Hareton who does not remember her and greets her with a hail of stones and curses. No doubt these actions have been copied from Heathcliff. Nelly runs away. The next day, Heathcliff comes to the Grange and embraces Isabella, much to the annoyance of Cathy. Heathcliff tells her ‘I’m not your husband, you needn’t be jealous of me.’ Edgar challenges Cathy and Heathcliff regarding their relationship. Heathcliff takes the position that Cathy has wronged him and that he will be revenged. Cathy taunts Edgar encouraging him to fight with Heathcliff. Edgar strikes Heathcliff and then goes to get assistance in order to have him removed from the house. Heathcliff, realizing that he will be outnumbered, leaves. Cathy is asked to choose between Heathcliff and Edgar, but Cathy will not answer her husband. Instead, she locks herself in her room refusing to eat. Edgar then decides to persuade his sister Isabella to pursue Heathcliff, as their relationship would end the link between Cathy and Heathcliff. After a few days without food, Cathy calls for Edgar begging forgiveness. She is delirious and talks about her childhood with Heathcliff and she has a foreboding of her death. Nelly insists on keeping the windows in her bedroom closed, but Cathy staggers to them and throws them open claiming she can see Wuthering Heights. She goes on to speak about her death, but that she will wander the world until she is with Heathcliff. Edgar is appalled to find Cathy in such a weakened state and scolds Nelly for not telling him sooner. That night Isabella runs away with Heathcliff and Edgar disowns his sister for this scandal. The doctor arrives and predicts that Cathy will not survive the illness. Chapter 13-15 Cathy is in fact pregnant and Edgar tries to nurse her back to health. He hopes for a male heir. Isabella has married Heathcliff and writes to Edgar begging his forgiveness, but this is ignored. She then writes to Nelly and asks her to visit Wuthering Heights. She is distraught at the way Heathcliff treats her. In the letter she tells of her loneliness, as Hareton, Joseph and Hindley are rude to her. She regrets having married Heathcliff and cannot see any way for her to escape. When Heathcliff learns of Cathy’s illness he blames Edgar for this. Nelly visits Wuthering Heights, but she can give no words of comfort to Isabella from Edgar who still will have no contact with her. Heathcliff is eager to learn about Cathy’s situation, clearly hurting

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Favorite Place Orlando Florida

Orlando, Florida The best place for vacation Orlando, Florida. Orlando is one of the most busy tourist locations in Florida, maybe even busier than the Miami beaches. This is because Orlando has many locations for all kinds of people, whether they are children, or adults. Orlando has many theme parks located on its famous strip, including Disneyworld, Wet n' Wild, Universal Studios, Ripley's Believe it or Not House. Sea World, and a host of other tourist locations. And out of all these places, the most interesting place to be at is Disneyworld. Many people think that Disneyworld is a place for children. This cannot be farther from the truth. Even though Disneyworld is designed for children and families, many adults can have a fun time there. Disneyworld is one of the biggest and most visited amusement parks in the world. The disneyworld in Orlando is also known as The Magic Kingdom and this is the best name for the place. Once you enter Disneyworld, you do enter into a magic kingdom. It is of no surprise that many adults have found Disneyworld to be an extremely entertaining. Even though most of the rides are meant for the children, the adults can take pleasure in being inside an architectural piece of wonderland. The Magic Kingdom is divided into many areas, and one of the most prominent, the area that comes in as soon as you enter the Magic Kingdom is the Main Street, usa. This street is made up of various architectural styles from the various states of usa, with much of the style being influence by Missouri and New England. The buildings on Main Street are built in such a way that they seem to be bigger than they actually are; the second story is smaller than the first, and the third smaller than the second is, giving the buildings a larger-than-life image. At the end of the Main Street is Cinderella's Castle, which is the trademark of the magic k ingdom. You really have to see it to appreciate its magical realm. The rest of the area is divided into different lands, such as the Frontier Land, the Adventure Land, the Land of Tomorrow, Liberty Square, and Fantasy Land. Adventureland is a paradise for children and a treat for the adults. It is made up of various foreign lands that represent the jungles of Africa, Asia, and South America. A make-belief Caribbean town square has also been built into this area to give a tropical feel to the area. This area has rides such as the Pirates of the Caribbean, Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse, and the Jungle. Cruise. Frontierland has been built in the place of the Wild West and the Rivers of America. This place has the looks of Rocky Mountains and railroads as it hosts rides such as the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Splash Mountain, and Tom Sawyer Island. Another area that is more popular for the children is Fantasyland. This is a colorful array of architecture that works together to represent the fantasyland of the children's minds. Includes rides such as Dumbo the Flying Elephant, Snow White's Scary Adventures, Cinderella's Golden Carrousel, and Mad Tea Party. Even though most of the rides and entertainment present inside the Magic Kingdom is meant for the kids, this does not mean that adults cannot enjoy them. The Magic Kingdom offers many packages and incentives for young couples to visit and there are more than a few freshly married people who have visited the Magic Kingdom for their honeymoon. Overall, the Magic Kingdom in Disneyworld, Orlando, Florida is a place for people of all ages and for all nationalities. It is a place one must visit at least once in their lifetime.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Heres why chasing happiness won’t make you happy

Heres why chasing happiness won’t make you happy This country was founded partially on the â€Å"pursuit of happiness,† a goal that many people still strive toward on a daily basis. In fact, it seems that people seek constant joy even when they aren’t sure what happiness looks like for their individual lives. Are you so keen on chasing a foggy idea of â€Å"happiness† that you forget to live your life? Do you spend your days trying to avoid all pain, all sadness, and all roadblocks? Happiness is not some kind of prey that can be trapped and held onto for a lifetime. Figure out how to have a healthier relationship with the idea of what it means to have a fulfilling life- which isn’t necessarily a 100% happy one.You’ll never know joy if you never know sadness.Understand that positive emotions aren’t the only ones that make us human. We need the negative ones for balance. Constant happiness would prevent you from accessing the many other emotions that live below your bubbly, Insta-worthy surfa ce. Remember that these other- sometimes undesirable- emotions are often lead to the most productivity. Overcoming challenges can only add to your quality of life, so don’t ignore them! Swim into the current, learn life lessons, and come out a better person.There’s no finish line.The minute you start chasing happiness (or the idea of happiness you have in your head) is the moment you doom yourself never to reach it. Think of happiness more as an activity than a pursuit. You can’t win it and move on, like a prize at the end of a long race. Rather, you cultivate it gently and slowly over the course of your whole life. You learn to discover the people, achievements, and hobbies that bring you joy in the thick of other, more negative feelings and realities of life.Happiness does not equal achievement.You may think if you just keep doing, doing, doing and earning, earning, earning and winning, winning, winning, that happiness will be automatic. But it isn’t ne cessarily equated to success. You will feel great pride with your biggest achievements, but this isn’t the only path to happiness. And excessive pride can lead to selfishness and greed. Stop focusing so hard on your personal advancement and focus on what kind of person you are within every interaction instead.You can’t ever be 100% happy.There will always be something going on in your life that’s unpleasant. Nobody’s life is perfect. Just focus on the positive, feel the emotions you need to process the negative, and remember that happiness isn’t a zero sum game. It’s possible to be mostly happy most of the time. Just don’t try to be perfectly happy all of the time.If you leave a window open for happiness, you’ll find that it finds you fairly easily. Stop to enjoy the little things. Practice more mindfulness. Take joy in the small, the pleasant, the minutiae of your life. Let your cup fill up slowly, by tiny increments, rather t han waiting for one big flood to do it for you.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Rainbows and Blue Skies

Rainbows and Blue Skies Introduction When we look around, there are many questions one would want to ask. Although most of the answers are found through academic approaches, the truth is that the broadness of this discipline makes it challenging to exhaust every natural phenomenon. Among the many questions asked is the explanation for the color of the sky. Have you ever imagined why the sky is not another color but blue? Is it natural or there are contributing factors which make it blue?Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Rainbows and Blue Skies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Could it be as a result of our natural color blindness that makes us perceive it to be blue? Definitely the questions are countless. This research paper explores reasons, findings, theories and the truth, which surrounds the blue color of the sky and the occurrence of rainbows. In order to achieve this, the research mainly analyses findings, gathered from reput able sources, including but not limited to online articles and books. Blue sky When observed on a clear day, without clouds, mist or dust, the sky always appears blue. Although there are several theories, which explain this concept, it is believed that the blue color is as a result of atoms of oxygen and nitrogen found in the atmosphere (Jacobs 1). Due to the presence of these particles, the white light from the sun is separated into several colors, which are then scattered all over in the atmosphere. Additionally, based on scattering properties of these colors, it has been found that blue light has a wavelength that scatters in the atmosphere better than any other color. This means that blue light dominates the atmosphere, making the sky to appear blue when observed by the human eye (Rea 10). On the other hand, the sun appears orange and red during sunset because the blue light is usually scattered far away from the visible line. This scientific phenomenon that explains light scatt ering and the appearance of the sky is commonly referred to as the Tyndall effect or the Rayleigh scattering. Tyndall effect This theory was put forth by John Tyndall in 1859, explaining the color of the sky. According to his discovery, blue wavelength is shorter and gets scattered better than other wavelengths, when light is passed through a fluid with particles. From a real life perspective, this can be illustrated by shining white light through water that has soap or milk. When observed from the side of the container holding the water, it is possible to observe the beam of white light by the blue light, which is scattered (Mara 23). However, the light that is observed at the end of such an experiment appears red after the beam has passed through the entire vessel of water.Advertising Looking for research paper on natural sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A filter of polarized light can also be applied to i nvestigate the scattering nature of light. This can be compared to the deep-blue appearance of the sky, when viewed through sun glasses. Although the concept is commonly known as the Tyndall effect, many physicists refer to it as the Rayleigh scattering, based on the studies that were done by Lord Rayleigh a few years after it was proposed by John Tyndall in 1859 (Rea 10). In their explanations, Rayleigh and Tyndall argue that the blue color of the sky is attributed to the presence of water droplets in form of vapor and dust particles in the atmosphere. However, if this were true, color variation in the sky would be a common occurrence due to ever-changing humidity. Based on this argument, it was agreed that the presence of nitrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere is the most appropriate explanation for the blue color of the sky (Jacobs 1). This was fully backed by Einstein in 1911 when he developed a formula applied in determination of scattering light in different molecules. The resu lts were acceptable as they had experimental evidence. From this discovery, it was also observed that the scattering of light by molecules is made possible because light waves have an electromagnetic field, responsible for dipole moments in these molecules. Even though the sky is blue, it is clear that clouds appear white in color when observed. This is based on the fact that they contain particles, which are believed to be greater than the wavelength of light (Mara 23). As a result, all wavelengths are scattered equally, a concept that is commonly known as the Mie scattering. However, the possibility of smaller particles in the atmosphere cannot be ruled out. This explains why some regions are famously known because of their blue haze. It is believed that the interaction between terpenes and ozone leads to the formation of tiny molecules that are approximately 200nm in diameter (Jacobs 2). Importantly, these particles give an explanation for the blue color. Nevertheless, an eruptio n or forest fire may emit particles into the atmosphere, which end up scattering the red light. In such cases, the results would depict the opposite of the Tyndall effect. Consequently, the moon may appear blue since red light is commonly scattered out. However, it is important to note that blue moon is a very rare phenomenon (Rea 10). Rainbows Besides observing a clear blue sky or clouds, human beings equally get fascinated by rainbows. How are rainbows formed? From Greek mythology, rainbows were believed to be the path for a messenger of gods known as Iris. On the other hand, Norse mythology proposed that a rainbow acted as a link between human beings and their gods (Lee and Fraser 33).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Rainbows and Blue Skies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More All these myths make the understanding of the rainbow quite fascinating to human beings. Are they natural in existence or they are fo rmed? These questions have been answered by scientists who spent their time analyzing the scientific explanation for the existence of the rainbow. A rainbow can be described as arc that appears in the sky with colored light. A fact to note is that rainbows have a relationship with water droplets and light. It is believed that this arc forms due to reflection and refraction of light, mainly from water droplets, arising from rain or mist in the atmosphere (Lee and Fraser 322). In other words, rainbows occur when there is splitting of white light into different colors, caused by water. In this line of thought, it is important to underscore the fact that when light falls on a drop of water, it enters into the drop. This penetration allows refraction of various light colors, depending on their respective wavelengths (Dwyer 4). Additionally, this separation of refracted light is similar to the analogy of the glass prism effect. Furthermore, the position of a rainbow is very important with regard to its relationship with the sun. Under whatever circumstances, a rainbow naturally occurs on the opposite direction of the sun as viewed by an observer (Dwyer 10). This position is crucial in explaining why rainbows mostly appear in the afternoon, when the sun is slightly low in the sky. If this occurs in the afternoon, the arc usually appears to the east of the person observing it and to the west if it occurs in the morning. On the other hand, the shadow of the observer is always at the center of the arc, with the rainbow forming the upper segment of the circle. Besides the position of the rainbow, it is worth noting that the angle of reflection of its light to the eye is 42o to the initial ray of light. Its bow-shape is believed to be a portion of the cone of light that is blocked by the horizon (Dwyer 10). Another important fact about rainbows is that no one can move ahead of it. If you tried to overtake the rainbow to be on the other side, it would appear moving, thus m aking it impossible to see the end of a rainbow. Moreover, every person sees a different rainbow since the angle measured is based on the observer’s eye contact with the refracted light from the sun through a drop of water (Lee and Fraser 322). This therefore means that every rainbow observer is usually at the center of the cone formed by colored light. It is sometimes possible to observe a complete circle of the rainbow when flying or at the top of a mountain.Advertising Looking for research paper on natural sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More From the above analysis, it is clear that the blue sky and the rainbow are fascinating natural phenomena, whose existence has an array of scientific and traditional explanations. However, the two are closely linked to properties of light, with regard to the scattering effect. Nonetheless, contributions of John Tyndall, Lord Rayleigh and Einstein remain paramount in the understanding of this concept. Dwyer, Jacqueline. Rainbows. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, 2001. Print. Jacobs, Marian. Why Is the Sky Blue? New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, 1999. Print. Lee, Raymond, and Fraser Alistair. The rainbow bridge: rainbows in art, myth, and science. Pennsylvania: Penn State Press, 2001. Print. Mara, Wil. Why Is the Sky Blue? Singapore: Marshall Cavendish, 2006. Print. Rea, Thelma. I Wonder Why the Sky Is Blue. New York: Rosen Classroom, 2000. Print.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 13

Question - Essay Example The event in which U.S. destroyer Maddox (conducting electronic espionage nearby) was fired on by North Vietnamese torpedo boats was just a good opportunity and reason on which United State could boldly declare war in the name of retaliation. Reports indicates that during the spring of 1964, military planners had developed a detailed design for major attacks on the North, but at that time President Lyndon B. Johnson and his advisers feared that the public would not support an expansion of the war (Dare 54-8). This explains two critical aspects of the war. First is that United States had prior plans to attack North Vietnam. The fear of President Nixon over possible public opposition indicates that significant taxpayers’ money had been spent on the war without any economic gain. These are clear evidence that United States had prior arrangement to strike North Vietnam under the shadow of supporting South Vietnam. Their actual challenge was whether the public would approve the military action and the undefined reaction of the international